Competition of Love is one of my favorite fan fiction. this is a story about MingEn where in, in the story they were childhood best friend...
i like the fact that it is some how similar to Ying Ye 3+1 (wherein Ming Dao and Qiao En is also the leads.)
i love the story... in the beginning it is so light-hearted... it became little dramatic as the drama progresses.
i love how MingEn took care of each other since young as a friend though...
My favorite line:
"You are part of me. And I am part of you. We made up as a whole. You forgot la mah?” Ming Dao reminded her the phrase that they used to say when they were young. " (Chapter 16 part1)
this line is really so touching
my favorite!!!... imagine if my guy best friend told me the same line? i've probably fall in love with him (unfortunately i don't have guy bestfriend... but a lot of guy buddies...)
the ending so sad... like what the doctor said:"Ohh… what a tragic for the family. One’s coming back to life while one’s leaving. Well… I guess this is the circle of life"
yep... maybe, that's life... life is so short and so uncertain.
Again it leaves me thinking?
Why is it that we love someone, we keeps on wishing that that someone give our love back... and when our wish is granted... we back out and didn't believe that that's possible?
when the magic of love already give way... we suddenly doubt it? is it because deep inside us... we are not able to love truly? because we are afraid... afraid that we might got hurt in the end...
"true love casteth away fear..."
it hurts a lot how Qiao En in the story loved Ming dao so much and yet, she didn't fought for that... she wasted so many chance to tell him her true feelings... worse he doubt the word of her childhood best friend whom she known all her life...
She doubt him when she finally confessed to her... she doubt him when he tries to explain to her... and yet deep inside her she badly want him... she love him more than anything else... and yet she doubt him??? how is that??? could love be that cruel....
the answer is no... it is actually Qiao En whose being cruel to herself...maybe because deep inside her, she doesn't want to be hurt, to risk her heart, to give it a try (to love and be loved by Ah Ming)... doesn't aware that the only one hurting her is herself.
in the end... she regret it... she regret the fact that she let the opportunity just passed her by... SAD and a lesson we must all learn.
Ming dao... he took Qiao En for granted, believing that she will always be there... unfortunately, the only permanent in the world is changes... and their relationship is not exempted... until he was threatened by the third person in the story(who happens to be Wu Zun) did he ever realize that Qiao En couldn't be there forever... i like the fact that he do fight for her... he tried so much to prove his feelings to his best friend... but it is just that he already hurt her so much that Qiao En didn't believed him... even if he didn't win her heart back (he also wasted so many opportunity) the fact that he try...he at least try... the most important thing is that he's willing to risk...though quite too late....
Again... for everyone who could read this post...
Don't let opportunity pass you by, if you love someone... tell him/her... tell them that you are happy when you're with them and sad when you're away... don't wait till tomorrow... that's too far away
Friendship is too valuable to wait another day!! this is the link to the
COmpetition of Love : author: cgrl80